Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A BLUE Sweet Potatoe

Yesterday Paul and I went for our first ultrasound of Baby Russell and found out that we are having a little BOY!!! We are excited he is healthy and right on target to arrive in July. Today I am 18 weeks and my iphone app says the baby is the size of a sweet potatoe!! He is growing everyday and I can tell that my stomach is getting bigger. We have a lot going on right now with house stuff, but hopefully we will be in our new house by May to have plenty of time to get ready for the baby.

Last night we had a "Gender Party" and announced the gender of the baby to all our family by cutting into a cake that was BLUE on the inside. My Mom hosted it at her house because our house is half-way packed up. My Mom also allowed me to host Bunco tonight at her house! I know, she is the GREATEST!! My bunco girls ate the pink cake tonight and got the news it is a BOY!

We are so excited and can't wait to meet our little man!! He is going to have a lot to live up to being named after Paul's Grandfather who meant so much to both of us AND his middle name is Paul's and his Dad's middle name. His name is going to be:
Nicholas "Nick" Stephen Russell

1 comment:

  1. SOOOO Wonderful!!!! Im so happy for you! Having a boy is the the best thing in the world and I couldn't have imagined it any other way! You are going to love it!
