Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy 29th Birthday, Hubby!

Yesterday was Paul's 29th birthday! We had busy days at work, but last night I took a cake by Kiwanis for Paul. Mama and I tried to surprise him with Abby, too. She does such a good job of singing Happy Birthday when we don't really need it. Then we put her on the spot and it doesn't happen. Oh well! After that we head to East Coast Wings for a little Monday Night Football. Lots of our friends came out and even our friends Erin & Leland, and their little boy Luke! He was in such a great mood, so Paul and I took turns making him giggle! Here is a pic of Paul and Luke! Luke will be 1 year old this weekend! Happy Birthday Luke, too!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Virginia Tech vs. ECU Pirates

This weekend Paul and I headed to Blacksburg, Virginia for the ECU vs. Virginia Tech football game. We had a great time tailgating with old friends and meeting some new ones, too. Although ECU came up a little short, it was a good trip all in all. Got to love and support my pirates through it all. My only complaint was that they boys wouldn’t let us stop on the way home at the mall. Oh, well, maybe next time! Preparing for a busy week ahead!

Paul, Me, Holly, & Brandon

Me & Brandon

Hubby and Me in Lane Stadium

Holly and ME

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Shower for Kaitlin Elizabeth

Today Lauren, Kaitlin and I threw a baby shower for our friend, Kim, and her hubby Scott. They are expecting baby Kaitlin in just 6 short weeks! They are doing their nursery in ladybugs so we did lots of ladybug themed stuff for decorations. Everyone had a great time, playing our games etc. They got lots of really CUTE stuff for little Kaitlin!! I cannot wait to meet her; I know she will be such a cutie!

The beautiful 'Mommy to be', Kaitlin Elizabeth in tow!

Adorable cake made by Kim P.'s friend Ashely!

The food table!

Kim P. with the hostess, Kim R., Kaitlin O., and Lauren A.!
In our group of friends we have so many name repeaters! Tons of Kims and Laurens, those must have been popular names in the 80's! LOL!

The TRUE BLOOD season finale comes on tonight, I'm sooooo excited! Love that show!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

ECU tames the Tigers!

Today was the ECU vs. Memphis game! We had an awesome tailgate, even though we went out there at 8AM! We had several friends from out of town come to this game and it was good to see them again! The game was a blowout! Our Pirates played great!

All the Girls!

Paul and his brother, Clayton!
Do you think they look alike?
Happy Saturday!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hail Mary for the WIN!

We had a very busy and eventful weekend! Friday night I went with some friends from work to hear Jupiter Jones, a local band. We had a great time!

Here we are at Boli's for pizza afterwards!

Sunday was ECU's season opener, so we headed out to the tailgate field after early service at church. Got to see lots of friends we hadn't seen in a while. Pictured above is my friend Kim, she is expect Kaitlin in just 7 short weeks! I cannot wait to see her little face! :) Also, at the game Sunday our friends Jason and Lara announced that they are expecting a little one! Big Congrats to them!

These little onces are Jules and Kevin! They are so darn cute! Jules belongs to our friends Diana and Chris and she will be 2 in October. Kevin's parents are our friends Jeff and Jess, he is 8.5 months old. We are so glad to have them back 'home'! Oh, and by the way our Pirates won the game! YAY!! With a hail mary pass with 5 seconds left on the clock! Go Pirates!

Monday was labor day, so we head to the river for a cookout and a little relaxation! We put the slide back up on the hill which is always a favorite! YAY, for the 4-day work week!

Sorry for the crazy format! This program is not wanting to coorporate with me!