Saturday, June 19, 2010

Visit with the Lewis Family

This past Wednesday Mama and I went to Beaufort to my Aunt Kay and Uncle Charles's house for a visit. Uncle Charles is Grandmama B's brother, just FYI. Uncle Charles and Aunt Kay have 3 boys. Scott is their middle son and he lives the closet to us. Also, his wife April is only a year older than me AND a teacher. So we hit it off from the start. We are so much alike it is crazy. They had a little boy the fall after Abby was born, his name is Cullen. Then they had Harrison just this past March. It was great talking with her about babies and such! She recommends having babies close in age, so I will have to do some talking with Mr. Russell about that! LOL!
Here are a few pictures Mama took during out visit! Aren't their boys just the cutest!

Beach w/ Kim & Molly Mack turns 1

To say that I am enjoying my summer vacation would be an understatment! It has been awesome. Me and some girls I work with were supposed to go to West Palm Beach for a week, but that didn't work out, so instead Thursday and Friday Kim and I hit the beach for some much needed R & R. It was great to chit chat and get some sun. Kim is an awesome co-worker and great friend. We can always find something to talk about. Here are a few pics from our beach trip! Special thanks to Kim's Aunt Suzi for letting us stay at her place in Emerald Isle

Today we went to our friends Mackenzie and Collen's little girl, Molly's first birthday party. She is such a cutie and it was great to see them and catch up. Abby enjoyed playing with Molly too, well, until she fell out for her nap. Here are a few pics we snapped. Molly is so darn cute!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Father's Day Pig Pickin' & 1st day of Summer Vacay

This past Saturday we had pig pickin' for our whole family at my parents river house. Paul's parents came so everyone was there, it was great. Of course I forgot to take pictures.

My parents are working on a re-model project at the river house, putting up new paint, vinyl siding, screens on the porch, and more. We worked Saturday morning painting and such. I hope I can get down there soon and take some pics.

Today was my FIRST day of summer vacation and I enjoyed it to the fullest!! I got to do several things on my LIST:
1. Slept till I woke up!! YAY! Got up around 9:15!!
2. Got ALL the dirty laundry in the house, washed, dryed, folded and put away!
3. Washed the sheets on our bed. Put the new dust ruffle and comforter I just bought.
4. Cleaned out the guest bedroom closet! YAY! Lots of junk in there, I need to have a yard sale!
5. Made new curtains to go in our bedroom to match the new comforter. Now I just have to get them monogramed! Pictures to come soon!

Tomorrow Mama and I have massages scheduled!! Can't wait!

Prayer Request: Please remember Paul's Grandad, Mr. Rose, he fell and broke his ankle. Also remember Mrs. Rose as she works to care for him.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Late 25th Birthday Post

Last Friday, sorry it's so late Paul threw me a surprise 25th birthday party at Chico's downtown. It was a big shocker for many reasons! First because my birthday is right here at the end of the year and everyone is always so busy. Second, as much as I love my hubby with all my heart, he is not the surprise type. Here is a pic of us from that special night! Thanks again, Paul! Your the BEST!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The End is Nigh

We only have 5 more days of school and I cannot WAIT! I have really enjoyed my 83 kiddes this year, but there comes a time when all of us need a break. Tomorrow my kids that failed the EOG the first time will take it again, but pray that they will pass this time! :) Happy "Hump" Day!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fabulous Memorial Day Weekend

Paul and I had a great weekend! My parents went out of town so I was on Grandmama B duty on Saturday. She is doing so much better it is awesome to see her able to get around! Saturday we went to the mall, this was the first time she has been since she got sick. She needed some new shoes and we had great success.

Sunday after church we got Abby from Will and Angie and headed to Granny and Papa's for lunch. After lunch we went to the river and had a blast. Abby is doing great getting use to the water and swimming. She is so growny! We will see how the rest of the summer goes, but I think I see TT in the water with Abby-Ru ALOT in the future!

Monday morning I had to leave the river and head to work! I only had 7 out of 27 kids in my homeroom show up! Guess families thought the kids deserved a break! It was only a half day so I got to go right back to the river. The Asbys and Brandon came and hung out for a little while. The weather was perfect. I'm ready for June 11, so I can spend some more time as the RIVAH!! Maybe this weekend, we will see! Pics soon to come!