Wednesday, December 28, 2011

100th POST- 100 things I'm thankful for in 2011

So I started typing this post earlier in the week and got almost done with my 100 things I'm thankful for in 2011 and lost it! :( Bummer! I started doing it again and decided against it! There are so many wonderful things and people I didn't want to do it and leave anyone out! So just a few 'things' I'm thankful for:
disposible diapers, disposible bibs, moby wrap, pacifiers, pacifier clips, bumbo, boppy, and pre-light Christmas trees.

I cannot believe I have blogged 100 posts! Time has flown by since my sweet boy was born and I have not done the best job about keeping my blog updated. I will try to do better in 2012.

We have been so blessed in 2011 and I look forward to 2012 to see what is in store for our little family of 3!

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

5 Months Old/ 1st Christmas

5 Month Stats:
*Between 17 and 18 lbs
*New Schedule:
6-7:30ish AM- Nurse
10:30-11ishAM- Rice Cereal/Nurse or Bottle (5 or 6 oz)
1-2ish PM- Vegetable/ Nurse or Bottle (5 or 6 oz)
5-6ish PM- Vegetable, Rice Cereal/ Nurse
9PM- Nurse
*Sleep 7:30 or 8 to 6 or 7:30, usually 3 or 4 naps during the day
*Nick cycle: Eat, Play, Sleep, repeat
*Still spitting up with burps every feeding! LOTS! The food has not helped, we have started Zantac twice a day.
*Pulling knees up under him when on stomach.
*Very close to sitting up assisted. Can sit for a few seconds before falling over.
*Wearing mostly 6-9 months, and footy PJ's size 12 months
*Bottom two teeth are coming through!
*Starting to prefer certain people at certain times. When I'm sleepy wants his Mommy over Daddy!
*Still loves paci, especially when sleepy.