Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day of 3 year old Preschool

3 years old

*Weight: 33 lbs. 50th percentile *Height: 38 1/2 inches 75th percentile *Sleep: Bedtime around 8:30-9:00 and wake usually between 7:30-8:00 First Night in Big Boy Bed: 8/17/14 *Napping: No naps on most days. *Clothes: 2T-4T *Diapers: Size 5 at bedtime, underwear during day, started 7/28/14, still have accidents, doing really well with #1 *Comfort: Still LOVES paci! To sleep he needs his dinosaur, pound puppy, and my Jenni K anklet (he calls it his ‘ank’) *Food: Depends on his mood. Loves spaghetti, pizza, apples, bananas *Talking: Nick decided to start talk this spring, just all of a sudden. He can say pretty much anything he wants and talk in sentences most of the time. When we go places he introduces himself saying “Hi, I Nick, this my Mommy, and Daddy”. When he gets in trouble he says, “I know, it’s my fault”. Trying to focus on manners and Nick is really good at it when reminded. At meals Nick will say the prayer by saying, “God our father, AMEN”. This is the beginning of the prayer that they used at his preschool last year. *Nick-isms: *Preschool: Nick's first day of Preschool for this year is 9/2/14 at Joyful Beginnings Preschool. He is going to be in a class with 2 and 3 year olds 3 days a week from 8am-12pm. Still staying with Giggi and Gramma while Mommy and Daddy work. *TV Shows: Mike the Knight, Paw Patrol *Ipad: Nick can operate the ipad almost completely on his own, he navigates to his games and his favorite is Netflix. *Swimming: Nick loves the pool and river. He can swim underwater unassisted for a few feet. He jumps off the diving board at the pool and off the pier at the river. *Books: Nick loves to read Corduroy books and visiting the library. He will sit through several books at time especially if they are Mercer Mayor, H.A. Ray, or Don Freeman.