Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Sad Night: RIP Kate Russell

Our little family lost a sweet kitty last night. Kate, had been with us since November 2006. She stayed inside at our old house, but since we have moved to the river she has been outside and loving it! Paul and I heard a noise around 4:30AM, he ran outside, but it was too late. We think it was coyotes! She was such a good kitty, so loving to everyone!

We will miss you, Kate! Mommy and Daddy love you sooooooo much!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Another Pirate Baby & House News

We are so excited our friends, Steven & Lauren, are having a new addition! They are due in November so Nick and their baby will only be 4 months different in age. They are going to be awesome parents and we can't wait to meet the baby!
Also, we got a call this week that the house will be ready in about 30 days! YAY! So we are looking forward to moving in around mid-May! New pic below!

Nick's first Easter picture:

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Already April!

Sorry I have had such a long break in blogging. Things have been crazy around our house or should I say the river house (since we don't currently have a house, lol). I have got several things to catch up on and I love bullets so this is going to be a bullet blog...just makes things so much easier! *House: Our new house is coming right along. They put up the shingles, windows, and doors this week. It is amazing how fast it is going up and we hope to be in it by mid-May. Hopefully in plenty of time to get things settled before Nick comes. *National Board: I mailed my National Board portfolio entries off this week! What a relief! Although mailing the portfolio entries only means now it is time to start studying for the assessment that I take on May 9. *Abby: Abby is growing like a weed and has been working on potty training. I am proud to announce that she is napping beside me on the couch right now and has been in big girl pants with NO accidents since Thursday!! She has even stayed dry at night! I am so proud of my big girl! *Pregnacy: Pregnacy is GREAT! Everyone is so thoughtful and always asks how I am feeling! It is great to be able to answer WONDERFUL!! I have been feeling great! I hope things stay that way and the labor and delivery is that way too! Nick is almost 25 weeks and around the size of rutabega. *Hubby: Paul is great! He is loving ECU baseball season and trying to be there as much as our living 40 minutes away will allow. He is doing great with dealing with all the house stuff and I truly appriciate it because I don't know if I could handle one more thing on my plate and for the most part I'm agreeable to his decisions with a few exceptions. It is easier to just make approvals rather than pick things out! *Registry: Last night Paul and I finished up our baby registry at Babies R US! WOW! What a feat! I had no idea! Please feel free, if we are friends, and you have kids, to check it out and let me know I forgot something! *Nick's Nursery: I posted the beginnings of Nick's nursery quilt my Aunt Melva is making on facebook last weekend. This going to be our "theme". I really didn't want to be limited to a set from the store so we are piecing together things to include everything we wanted including: pirate ships, nautical stuff, ocean/river animals, etc. Can't wait to get in new house so we can start putting stuff together! Nick's Buddy: We are so excited our friends, Travis and Ana, are expecting a new addition!! We found out a couple weeks ago at one of their famous cookouts. When they were drawing for the door prize they picked out a piece of paper that said they were prego! YAY! We are so excited, glad we have good friends going through this adventure with us!