Friday, July 27, 2012

12 Months Old

*Weight: 22 lbs. 14.8 oz 50th percentile *Height: 30 inches 50th percentile *Head Circumference: 80th percentile, can't remember the measurement. *Schedule: Nurse in the morning and at bedtime, sippy cups of cow's milk the rest of the day. *Sleep: Bedtime around 8-8:30 and wake usually between 7-7:30. Today he woke at 5:30am, but usually when he does that it is easy to get him to go back to sleep. This morning, not so much. I think he was just excited about his birthday! *Napping: 2 naps, sometimes just 1 nap a day, depending on what we are doing. If there is a lot going on Nick is always afraid he might miss something. If we are going somewhere we try to schedule him to sleep on the road, we have found that works well. *Spitting up: Started back spitting up some with the switch to cow's milk. Hope he will adjust and grow out of this. *Walking: Nick took 8 steps unassisted on 7/14/12. Everyday he is getting more and more confident. He still likes to crab walk on his hands and feet. He can go super FAST doing this! *Clothes: 12 months and some 18 months *Diapers: Size 3 *Still LOVES paci! *Teeth: 12 total, 6 on the top and 6 on the bottom. *Eczema: Almost completely gone. Fingers crossed it will stay away with the cold weather comes back. *Food: EVERYTHING! As much as we will give him. He loves bananas, chicken, and yogurt. *Talking: Nick can say Ma-Ma, Da-Da, Bye-Bye, and Ba-ba. He waves bye-bye. Today at supper he signed 'more' for the first time. *Clapped: Nick loves to clap his hands, he did this for the first time at his party, July 21.