Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day!!

This is my grandparents: Happy Father's Day Papa!!!
This is Paul's grandparents: Happy Father's Day Mr. Rose!
This is Paul's Dad in the back: Happy Father's Day, Mr. Steve!!! Beside Paul is Mr. Nick Russell, baby Nick's namesake and one of the sweetest men in the whole world!!! I'm sure they are celebrating Father's Day for him in heaven!
My Daddy and me! Happy Father's Day, Daddy!! Love you to the moon and back! Truly don't know what in the world I would do without you!!
This my Mom's Dad, Happy Father's Day, Grandaddy Becton! I never had the pleasure of meeting this wonderful man, but from the stories I have heard I think we would have been very close! I'm sure he is in heaven with Grandaddy Nick celebrating this joyous occasion!

Excited that next year on Father's Day I will be able to add Paul!!! I know he is going to be a great Dad, can't wait to see him and Nick together!

Preparing for Nick!

We have gotten a lot done this week on the 'getting ready for Nick' list! Yesterday Paul and my Dad put the crib together, so his room finally looks like a nursery! I took pictures while they were working, but I'm not ready with the finish product just yet! This morning Paul also put together the swing. We ventured out to Babies R Us to buy the high chair, but it is on sale so we couldn't use our 20% coupon! :( Going to try and catch it off sale later this week!

Elm Grove Shower

Last weekend our church family threw us a baby shower! It was a blast we got lots of great stuff for Nick and tons of gift cards that we can try and save to use for diapers and stuff later. Here are a few pics!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

School's ALMOST OUT!!!

Tomorrow is the last student day for the 2010-2011 school year! I will be so glad for this year to be over and to be that much closer to Nick's arrive. My friend Nickie said even though you may be uncomfortable, remember he is easier to take care of now! LOL! I know that is true, BUT I can't wait to see him and hold him!! I sent Paul an email on Tuesday when we turned 34 weeks and said in 6 weeks or less we will be a family of THREE!! His reply was "that's scary"! It really is! But we are up for the challenge!

Also, we have officially moved into our new house! I have not posted any pictures yet because it is still a work in progress! Hopefully after this weekend we will have more things settled and I will feel better about taking some pics! :) Also next week with school out hopefully I will have LOTS of time to work around the house! Although I still have the certificate Mrs.Rheta and Mr. Steve gave me for Christmas for a pre-natal massage a Merle Norman, I'm think that next week would be a perfect time to get that done! Heck, I may even spring for a pedicure too!

Happy End of School Year,

Nick's Friend/Family Shower

Last Saturday afternoon six of my good friends: Lauren J., Lauren A., Kim P., Betsy, Tina and Erin gave me a baby shower for friends and family! They did an awesome job and out did themselves with the adorable decorations. Nick got lots of clothes, diapers, wipes, a diaper bag, swing, jogging stroller, and more! He is a lucky boy and we are all ready for his arrival!

Cox Shower

Last Wednesday on June 1 the wonderful sixth grade teachers at my school gave us a baby shower. We got lots of good gifts and yummy snacks! I am sooooooo blessed to work with such special people that took the time to do this for us!
A few pics below: