Wednesday, December 28, 2011

100th POST- 100 things I'm thankful for in 2011

So I started typing this post earlier in the week and got almost done with my 100 things I'm thankful for in 2011 and lost it! :( Bummer! I started doing it again and decided against it! There are so many wonderful things and people I didn't want to do it and leave anyone out! So just a few 'things' I'm thankful for:
disposible diapers, disposible bibs, moby wrap, pacifiers, pacifier clips, bumbo, boppy, and pre-light Christmas trees.

I cannot believe I have blogged 100 posts! Time has flown by since my sweet boy was born and I have not done the best job about keeping my blog updated. I will try to do better in 2012.

We have been so blessed in 2011 and I look forward to 2012 to see what is in store for our little family of 3!

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

5 Months Old/ 1st Christmas

5 Month Stats:
*Between 17 and 18 lbs
*New Schedule:
6-7:30ish AM- Nurse
10:30-11ishAM- Rice Cereal/Nurse or Bottle (5 or 6 oz)
1-2ish PM- Vegetable/ Nurse or Bottle (5 or 6 oz)
5-6ish PM- Vegetable, Rice Cereal/ Nurse
9PM- Nurse
*Sleep 7:30 or 8 to 6 or 7:30, usually 3 or 4 naps during the day
*Nick cycle: Eat, Play, Sleep, repeat
*Still spitting up with burps every feeding! LOTS! The food has not helped, we have started Zantac twice a day.
*Pulling knees up under him when on stomach.
*Very close to sitting up assisted. Can sit for a few seconds before falling over.
*Wearing mostly 6-9 months, and footy PJ's size 12 months
*Bottom two teeth are coming through!
*Starting to prefer certain people at certain times. When I'm sleepy wants his Mommy over Daddy!
*Still loves paci, especially when sleepy.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

4 Months Old

4 Month Stats:
*15 lbs. 15.5 oz 75th percentile
*25 inches long 50th percentile
*Head Circumference 50th percentil
*Nursing every 3 hours, 15 minutes on each side, 5 oz with bottle (6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm) Rice Cereal with 9am feeding and 6pm feeding.
*Still sleeping 10PM to 6AM on most nights, some nights more, some nights less! If he wakes up early he will usually go right back to sleep in the swing in our room.
*Nick cycle: Eat, Play, Sleep, repeat
*Still spitting up with burps every feeding! LOTS! We are hoping the rice cereal will help with this, if not we are going to try Zantac.
*Loves to stand up! Likes to exercise on peoples lap, standing up and sitting down.
*First time rolled from back to tummy November 25.
*First time blew rasberries November 24
*Wearing 3-6 month clothes, some 6-9 months, and footy PJ's size 12 months
*Loves to chew on his keys
*Doctor said he has mild eczema. Told us to stop using Johnson & Johnson and switch to Aveno body wash. She also gave us prescription cream. He just has a few patches, she said it would be worse during the winter months.
*Today he got 2 shots and the oral immunization for the stomach virus.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

3 Months Old

3 Month Stats:
*15 lbs. 2 oz
*Nursing every 3 hours, 15 minutes on each side, 5 oz with bottle (6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm)
*Still sleeping 10 or 11PM to 6 or 7AM on most nights, some nights more, some nights less!
*Nick cycle: Eat, Play, Sleep, repeat
*Still spitting up with burps every feeding! LOTS!
*Able to stand up and hold onto coffee table with some guidance.
*First time in jumperoo October 19.
*First time in high chair October 25.
*Loves to play rough with Daddy, and it scares Mommy.
*Still loves going to sleep with someone holding him. Tummy to tummy with paci in mouth, and have someone pat my bottom.
*Loves to lay on his back and kick and wave his arms, especially in his play mat with the whale on top of it.
*Wearing 3-6 month clothes, some 6-9 months
*He loves his monkey with the spinning tummy.
*Still loves the swing and will sleep in it whenever we let him.
*Love to hear Mommy sing: You are my Sunshine and She'll be coming around the Mountain are his favs
*Finally starting to enjoy bathtime, kicking and splashing!
*Staying with Gramma Sherry Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and Giggi Rheta Monday and Friday. They spoil him ROTTEN!!
*Being Dedicated to the church this Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011.

First time in Jumperoo, Oct. 19, 2011

First time in high chair, Oct. 25, 2011First Halloween Party at the Wades House, Oct. 22, 2011
Mama found this toy at the river and Nick loves it!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Wedding, Grandparents, & New HAIR!

Last weekend my friend from college, Heather, got married. I was lucky enough to be a bridesmaid and part of her special day. Saturday night also we had a Russell family FIRST. Nick spent the night with Gramma and Grandpa! He did great, and Mommy survived! We are so lucky to have such supportive Grandparents. Nick is so loved with 4 grandparents and 5 Great-Grandparents! Saturday night he slept in his crib at Gramma's house and did great, slept all night long. I rushed over there first thing Sunday morning, but Saturday night, its a start!

Nick sitting on Grandpa's tractor, looking at him like he adores him!

Mommy got all her hair cut off this week! Hoping it will take less time to blow dry!
Jamie, Heather, and I
Hubby and I at the wedding!
Nick playing with Gramma!

Nick sitting on the 4-wheeler with Grandpa!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

2 months WAY late!!!!

2 Month Stats:
*12 lbs. 2.5 oz and 23 inches tall 50th percentile in both areas
*Nursing every 2.5 hours, 15 minutes on each side, 4 oz with bottle
*Still sleeping 10 or 11PM to 6 or 7AM on most nights, some nights more, some nights less!
*Still spitting up with burps every feeding! LOTS!
*Holding head up unassisted! Turning head side to side on tummy! Starting to lift up on arms. Trying to stand up and put a little weighed on legs when someone is hold him.
*Loves to play peek-a-book with Daddy, and ride in Moby with Mommy.
*Loves going to sleep with someone holding him. Tummy to tummy with paci in mouth, and have someone pat my bottom.
*Loves to lay on his back and kick and wave his arms.
*Wearing 3-6 month clothes
*He loves his octopus that hangs on his vibrating seat.
*Still loves the swing and will sleep in it whenever we let him.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Nick has been sleeping really good, BUT in our room AND in the swing!! (I know, I know, insert eye-roll) Soooo last night Paul and I decided to try him in HIS crib in HIS room. He did great! He slept from 10PM-3AM, then I fed him and put him in our room. Baby steps! LOL! I watched him on the video monitor almost the whole time. Paul kept saying: Are you watching him sleep?

I have been thinking a lot about how things have changed in my life since Nick has been here and I decided to make a top 10 list of ‘you know you have become a Mommy when…’. I should probably add another one about how you never have time to blog. I will try to be better about that, but I’m making no promises.

You know you’re a Mommy when:
1. You spend an extra long time in the shower, just because it’s the only break you have had all day.
2. You leave the groceries to spoil because your baby is crying and ready to eat.
3. Hubby comes home from work and finds spit-up in your hair, and you haven’t even noticed.
4. You realize you haven’t blow-dried your hair in over a week, or worn your hair any other way than a pony tail. And make-up, what the heck is that anyway??? Shaving your legs??? What? Who has time?
5. You feel like your heart could just explode, never knew you could love someone so much so instantly.
6. You find yourself doing a lot of those things you said you were NOT going to do. Got to give my Mom a shout-out on this one, love how she just smiles when I say I’m going to do something I said I wasn’t going to do! Thanks for being so supportive don’t know what I would do without you!
7. You call your Mom just to share how much you got when you pumped because that is the most exciting thing that has happened all day.
8. You want to change the baby’s outfit, but you wait for them to spit up because you know it’s going to happen.
9. You use your own saliva to clean the baby’s face.
10. You realize that you are not only breast feeding because it’s cheap and healthy, but because your Mom was exactly right there is an unexplainable bond/joy that it gives you. Even with the sore nipples!

Last but not least, I am DEFINITELY NOT typing this blog while reaching over my baby sleeping on the boppy, because he should be napping in the crib!

Enjoy the labor day weekend!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Earthquake, Hurricane, Oh MY!!

What a month this has been!! Nick has been growing and keeping me busy! So busy it has been a whole month since I blogged! We had a earthquake this past week and we also had hurricane Irene hammer the east coast. We spent Saturday morning to late last night with no power! Thank goodness my parents had a generator and saved my frozen breast milk!
1 Month Stats:
*10 lbs.
*Nursing every 2-3 hours, 15 minutes on each side
*Sleeping 10 or 11PM to 6 or 7AM on most nights, some nights more, some nights less!
*Had a bottle of breast milk for the first time 8/24 from Daddy, 4.5 ounces! He's a PIG!!
*Spitting up with burps every feeding! LOTS! But both Grammas say Paul and I both did it so he got it honest!
*Holding head up unassisted!
*Turned from tummy to back: 8/11
*Loves to play in my activity gym, to ride in the snugglie with Mommy

Friday, August 5, 2011

He has arrived!

Our precious baby boy has arrived! Sorry for the delay in blogging it has been a crazy time to say the least. Nick blessed our presence 23 hours after our arrival at the hospital for an induction at 41 weeks. Our birth plan was to have a natural birth, but the plan had to be alter after hours of pitocin and no progress, he arrived by way of C-section. Not our plan, but God's plan. We are settling in at home and our new roles as parents. My stomach drops when I think about Paul going back to work on the 16th and it drops even further when I think about me going back to work. Please keep our little family in your prayers during this special time in our lives.
Nicholas Stephen Russell
July 27, 2011 @ 7:20AM
9lb. 6.3 oz. 21 inches long

Holding my precious baby for the first time!
"How sweet to hold a newborn baby and feel the pride and joy he gives, but greater still, the calm assurance, this child can face uncertain days because HE LIVES!"

Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 4th Pics

Bryce, Dylan, and Jonathan

Kevin showing us how to relax!

Abby and cousin, Logan

Abby and JoAnna

Abby's turn on the slide

Everyone had a great day!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July

We had a busy weekend and our last Fourth of July as a family of 2!!!! Saturday we headed to the river with Grandma B to celebrate her birthday and have all the Lewis family down. The Lewis's are Uncle Charles' (G-ma B's brother) family. Uncle Charles and Aunt Kay have 3 boys, they were all able to come with their families! Sooooo great to see them!
Big boy, Harrison, jumping into Daddy's arms! It's hard to believe that next summer Nick will almost be that big (Harrison was born in March).

Everyone relaxing, enjoying the water!
Uncle Charles and Grandma B!
Talking with Aunt Kay about having babies wasn't to comforting. Her boys ranged from 10-11 lbs, and Uncle Charles was 13 lbs!! Big babies run in MY family on BOTH sides!! Just how big will Nick be, guess time will tell!

On the fourth we spend the day at the river again and put up the slip and slide on the hill. Tons of friends and family stopped by throughout the day and it was great to see everyone. I am waiting for some of Mama's pictures, will post soon! :)
Happy 4th of July!

Counting down the DAYS!!

We have been continuing to work hard to get ready for Nick in the Russell household! Below Paul is putting together Nick's new high chair! I love it, it matches the dining room table and chair's we got from Granddaddy Nick's house perfectly!

All ready, just needs a baby in it!
Getting the car seat all ready so we can bring that sweet boy home from the hospital!
Nick's room is coming along slowly, but surely! :)

Doctor's appointment in the morning, hopefully some good news that our sweet boy is doing great and coming to meet us soon! Words can't even describe how much I want to hold him in my arms, kiss him, and know that he is here healthy!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day!!

This is my grandparents: Happy Father's Day Papa!!!
This is Paul's grandparents: Happy Father's Day Mr. Rose!
This is Paul's Dad in the back: Happy Father's Day, Mr. Steve!!! Beside Paul is Mr. Nick Russell, baby Nick's namesake and one of the sweetest men in the whole world!!! I'm sure they are celebrating Father's Day for him in heaven!
My Daddy and me! Happy Father's Day, Daddy!! Love you to the moon and back! Truly don't know what in the world I would do without you!!
This my Mom's Dad, Happy Father's Day, Grandaddy Becton! I never had the pleasure of meeting this wonderful man, but from the stories I have heard I think we would have been very close! I'm sure he is in heaven with Grandaddy Nick celebrating this joyous occasion!

Excited that next year on Father's Day I will be able to add Paul!!! I know he is going to be a great Dad, can't wait to see him and Nick together!

Preparing for Nick!

We have gotten a lot done this week on the 'getting ready for Nick' list! Yesterday Paul and my Dad put the crib together, so his room finally looks like a nursery! I took pictures while they were working, but I'm not ready with the finish product just yet! This morning Paul also put together the swing. We ventured out to Babies R Us to buy the high chair, but it is on sale so we couldn't use our 20% coupon! :( Going to try and catch it off sale later this week!