*12 lbs. 2.5 oz and 23 inches tall 50th percentile in both areas
*Nursing every 2.5 hours, 15 minutes on each side, 4 oz with bottle
*Still sleeping 10 or 11PM to 6 or 7AM on most nights, some nights more, some nights less!
*Still spitting up with burps every feeding! LOTS!
*Holding head up unassisted! Turning head side to side on tummy! Starting to lift up on arms. Trying to stand up and put a little weighed on legs when someone is hold him.
*Loves to play peek-a-book with Daddy, and ride in Moby with Mommy.
*Loves going to sleep with someone holding him. Tummy to tummy with paci in mouth, and have someone pat my bottom.
*Loves to lay on his back and kick and wave his arms.
*Wearing 3-6 month clothes
*He loves his octopus that hangs on his vibrating seat.
*Still loves the swing and will sleep in it whenever we let him.
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