Friday, September 2, 2011


Nick has been sleeping really good, BUT in our room AND in the swing!! (I know, I know, insert eye-roll) Soooo last night Paul and I decided to try him in HIS crib in HIS room. He did great! He slept from 10PM-3AM, then I fed him and put him in our room. Baby steps! LOL! I watched him on the video monitor almost the whole time. Paul kept saying: Are you watching him sleep?

I have been thinking a lot about how things have changed in my life since Nick has been here and I decided to make a top 10 list of ‘you know you have become a Mommy when…’. I should probably add another one about how you never have time to blog. I will try to be better about that, but I’m making no promises.

You know you’re a Mommy when:
1. You spend an extra long time in the shower, just because it’s the only break you have had all day.
2. You leave the groceries to spoil because your baby is crying and ready to eat.
3. Hubby comes home from work and finds spit-up in your hair, and you haven’t even noticed.
4. You realize you haven’t blow-dried your hair in over a week, or worn your hair any other way than a pony tail. And make-up, what the heck is that anyway??? Shaving your legs??? What? Who has time?
5. You feel like your heart could just explode, never knew you could love someone so much so instantly.
6. You find yourself doing a lot of those things you said you were NOT going to do. Got to give my Mom a shout-out on this one, love how she just smiles when I say I’m going to do something I said I wasn’t going to do! Thanks for being so supportive don’t know what I would do without you!
7. You call your Mom just to share how much you got when you pumped because that is the most exciting thing that has happened all day.
8. You want to change the baby’s outfit, but you wait for them to spit up because you know it’s going to happen.
9. You use your own saliva to clean the baby’s face.
10. You realize that you are not only breast feeding because it’s cheap and healthy, but because your Mom was exactly right there is an unexplainable bond/joy that it gives you. Even with the sore nipples!

Last but not least, I am DEFINITELY NOT typing this blog while reaching over my baby sleeping on the boppy, because he should be napping in the crib!

Enjoy the labor day weekend!