Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First Day of PreSchool

2 Years Old

*Weight: 30 lbs. 50th percentile *Height: 34 3/4 inches 75th percentile *Sleep: Bedtime around 8-9:00 and wake usually between 7-7:30. *Napping: 1, 1-2 hour nap, Nick loves to rub hands while trying to go to sleep. *Clothes: 2T-4T *Diapers: Size 5 *Still LOVES paci! *Teeth: Full set of baby teeth, including 2 year old molars *Eczema: Almost completely gone, this summer, but it will probably come back this winter, especially on the backs of his knees. *Food: Depends on how we catch him, sometimes he will eat the legs off the table and other tables he is very picky. *Talking: Nick can say lots of animals sounds, including: cow, dog, duck, goose, horse, lion, bear, 9/2/13: Nick said, "I want my mama". :) *Potty Training: Nick went pee-pee in the potty for the first time on 7/20/13. He sometimes will go when you ask him and sometime not. We are using M&Ms as potty treats. *Nick-isms: Nick loves to honk peoples’ noses. He likes to place his pointer finger on his mouth and say hmmmm like he is thinking. Nick also likes to swipe his hand across his forehead and say wheww, like something was hard and he is tired. *Preschool: Nick's first day of Preschool is 9/4/13 at Growing with Faith Preschool at Ayden Christian Church.