*Weight: 17 lb. 14.5 oz, 50th percentile
*Height: 26 ¾ inches long, 65 percentile
*Head Circumference: ** inches, 50 percentile
*New Schedule:
6am-8am-ish: Nurse, 3T Rice Cereal or Oatmeal, Fruit
10:30-12:00-ish: Bottle (5oz)/Nurse, 3T Rice Cereal, Fruit or Vegetable
2-3pm-ish: Bottle (5oz)/Nurse
5:30-ish: Nurse, Container of Stage 2 meat, Vegetable
8-9pmish: Dream Feed, Nurse
*Sleep: 7-9pm till 6-8am
*Spitting up: Still on Zantac, better sometimes. We are hoping it will get better as he gets older.
*Sitting up unassisted, 12/28/11
*Rolling to get to things, wants to crawl really bad, but hasn’t quite figured it out. He is trying to pulling knees under him when on stomach, and sometimes lifting up on toes on tummy.
*Clothes: 6-9 months and 12 months
*Still LOVES paci and he can take it out and put it in all on his own.
*Teeth: Bottom 2 are completely in, we are expecting the top 2 any day now.
*Fighting sleep: Sometimes we are having trouble with Nick fighting sleep, being so tired but not wanting to give in. So he pulls his paci out and blows raspberries. Last Friday night, 1/20/12, Nick ‘cried it out’ for the first time in his crib, took 17 minutes.
*Immunizations: At Nick’s 6th month appointment, he got 4 shots and the oral vaccine for stomach virus.
*Eczema: Really started to ‘flair’ up because of the winter months. We are doing aquaphor all over, 3 times a day. I really hope he will grow out of this.
*Lovies: Nick loves his Snoopy and purple elephant.
*Sitting in high chair at meal time like a big boy! Loves biter biscuits and fruit or a breastmilk cub in the mesh teether.