Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Finally Giving IN!!

Well, I have been reading other peoples blogs forever and I always kind of thought I would begin bloging when we had kids to write about. Although, that is several years down the road, and I have other things to blog about now, right? As time has gone on now I have finally realized that "why not" go ahead and go for it! So here goes!

Paul and I are both ECU Alumni, twice over (not sure if that is the right way to say that). We both received our undergrad and graduate degrees from East Carolina. Paul now works in the ECU College of Business Graduate School and I teach 6th grade English in a local middle school.

ECU sports play a BIG part to say the least in our lives. We have a traditional parking spot at home ECU football games next to our really good friends the Joneses in the Eppes parking lot! We have had our tailgate spot for going on seven years, I think, if I added right! We love supporting the Pirates! Baseball season is coming soon!

We also are really involved and love our church family at Elm Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church in Ayden. We are very blessed to have a wonderful and supportive church family where we feel comfortable worshiping and serving our Savior.

Our next love and passion is the water. Paul and I both really enjoy spending time on the water, and my parents have made this more convenient by buying a second home on Blounts Bay. We love spending time there together as a family and time alone there as a couple. It is just amazing how peaceful and different just a change of scenery for a few days can make. Paul and I just got back yesterday from a peaceful weekend there. It is amazing how much better it can make you feel to just sit on the end of the pier and have time to have a conversation with your spouse.

Back to reality today. We had a teacher workday at school, however, I chose to take comp-time to stay home and clean up. It has been a pretty successful day and I even dove into beginning working on my National Boards.

National Boards is a portfolio program where teachers can complete a process and if they pass receive a pay raise. This year as a third year teacher I can't do the entire process, so I am doing just one section called "Take One". It has proven to more more difficult than I thought, but I will get through it.

Another big part of my life is basketball. I coach girls basketball at my school. It is a rewarding experience and the girls always challenge me. During basketball season I usually get home around 7 or 8 o'clock, eat dinner, and go to bed. Paul is very supportive in my coaching, many husbands would complain or ask that I not do it, but instead he cooks supper and pulls more of his share weight around the house during this season. He is the BEST!


  1. Welcome to blogging, friend! You are now on my official blog list...lol. Look forward to stalking...err, I mean keeping up with the Russells via the blog :-)

  2. I'm glad you didn't wait for children to start blogging! That's been Mindy's excuse for not starting a blog. Married life with no children is exciting. Reading about you and Paul's weekend getaways and carefree life sorta makes me homesick for those days when it was just the two of us. Not that I'd ever trade my butter bean to have it back but you know what I mean!
