Monday, January 25, 2010

Not Me Monday

I did not just get home after a 12 hour day. I'm a teaccher and only nurses work 12 hour shifts!

I am not secretly excited that basketball season will be over Thursday. I did not cancel pratice tomorrow because we have another game on Thursday and we need to practice.

I am not super excited about Dear John that comes out in theaters next Friday. I will certainly not cry because I know how it ends.

I did not just push Kate (the cat) away, when all she wants is just a little head scratching and attention after she has been home alone all day!

I am not totally ruled by my calendar, I do not check it fifty times a day!

I don't get excited when I think about Paul and my future together. I am not scared to death to think about us starting a family and actually growing up!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, be very, very scared ;-)'s a blast but also very life changing. Love your list!
